After phone our friends from Zakopane, with information about the first snow in the mountains, wondering not long and we left to our beloved mountains. As a reward for good behavior AMANT went with us. This time plan of our trip was the following: Church on Wiktorówki, Rusinowa Polana and Gęsia Szyja. These places are beloved by nearly all mountaineers, and at the church on Wiktorówki commemorative plaques are well-known and lesser known people who took up mountains. From Rusinowa Polana is a magnificent view over Rysy, Gerlach and Mięguszowiecki Szczyt. See for yourself how beautiful it is. For sure, next time we will go to Rusinowa Polana on summer, when the mountains people are there with their flocks of sheep and of course, guarding their sheepdogs.