On each dog show in the country the judge is entitled to award the certificate for the show champion title (abbreviated CWC, which is equivalent of the foreign CAC – Certificat au Championnat).

The certificate (CWC) may be awarded both to a male and a female, aged minimum 15 months, graded excellent and placed 1st in any of the following classes: intermediate, open, working and champion, regardless of the number of entries. To become Polish Champion a male/female dog must have been awarded CWC three times, by three different judges. At least one CWC has to be achieved at International or Club Show. The minimal period of 6 months is required between obtaining the first and the last CWC.

Awarding the CWC must be confirmed by the judge by making a handwritten annotation on the critique form: “CWC”, signed separately.

Since 29th May 2013 the three CWC must be awarded by three different judges. At least one of the certificates has to be achieved at International or Club Show and the minimal period of 6 months is required between obtaining the first and the last CWC (i.e. since 1st January to 1st July). This also applies to the male and female dogs which fulfilled the aforementioned conditions until the 29th May 2013 or had been awarded at least one CWC before this date.

The Polish Champion title is issued by the Main Board of  Polish Kennel Club (ZKwP) upon written owner’s requestApplications for issuing a diploma are verified on the basis of show report, which should be submitted by the dog show organiser within 30 days after the show. 
The Main Board Office shall issue the diploma and send the original document by post and the copy by e-mail.


Since 1st January 2015 the fee for issuing diplomas of Polish Champion title for foreign exhibitors is 30 EUR.

The fee should be paid into the account of ZKwP Main Board:
Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce
IBAN: PL48116022020000000206979122
Bank name: Bank Millennium S.A.
Bank address: ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A, 02-593 Warszawa, Polska

The transfer title should include the pedigree number. A copy of the payment receipt should be attached to the application form, otherwise the application will not be considered