International Dog Show in Katowice was extremely successful for us.

JUSTICE – won the title Best Puppy in Breed.

Silesia – the biggest surprise gave us this white girl, beating in her class 4 other girls and won the title CAC and res-CACIB.

After the show we went on a little trip to the Jura Cracow – Czestochowa, below are some photos from this trip.


On the 23th of June we drove to National Dog Show in Nowy Targ. This time we presented our two females of race Welsh Corgi Pembroke and one Tatra Shepherd female – SILESIA.

FROSIA – Rus Glamur GORDOST ROSSII won BOB and she was on IV place on BOG I.

GIORGIA Pems Pasiion she started her Polish Junior Champion and she won title Best Junior.

And our youngest SILESIA Gwiazda Podhala won her class and she got CWC.

We are very proud of them.