CACIB Katowice February 2024

We were accompanied by: IWONA

International Dog Show Katowice 2024 – Polish Winner.

Almost 3.5 thousand dogs, over 30 Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Cynology festival, where our children performed as follows:

Academia Canis HOLIDAY – Holi became the Best Minor Puppy in Breed

Academia Canis INCREDIBLE – Redi won the puppy class and, compared to her peers, received the title of Best Puppy in Breed. At the finals, he defeated dozens of competitors and stood on the podium.

We would like to thank Rafał Kleszcz for organizing this exhibition and taking personal care of the exhibitors, as well as Judge Aleksandra Lubaszka for the nice atmosphere in the ring and the very good assessment of Redi and Holi.