International Dog Show in Zakopane for us was really successful.
JUSTICE – Junior Winner, Best Junior, BOS
PARADE – Best Puppy in Breed
DIAMOND – Best Minor Puppy in Breed.
We are very proud of them.
International Dog Show in Zakopane for us was really successful.
JUSTICE – Junior Winner, Best Junior, BOS
PARADE – Best Puppy in Breed
DIAMOND – Best Minor Puppy in Breed.
We are very proud of them.
National Show of Bedzin 2014, greeted us with beautiful weather. All our kids acquitted on the “five”.
JUSTICE – Winner, Best Junior in Breed
PARADE – Best Puppy in Breed
DIAMOND – The most beautiful younger Puppy, BIS IV Minor Puppy
For the National Sheepherd Dog Show we decided to take JUSTICE and PARADA. Our girls were great.
JUSTICE – Junior Winner, Best Junior, BOS and BIS Junior IV.
PARADE – Best Puppy, BIS Puppy I.
We look forward to more such achievements.
CACIB Show in Krakow in 2014, our young and PARADA and JUSTICE comfort despite strong competition, qualified for the grand finals BIS in their classes.
JUSTICE awarded the title – Junior Winner, Best Junior in Breed.
PARADE was Best Puppy in Breed.
We are very proud of them.
And it happened! At the end of April came to us from St. Petersburg, a small boy Pembroke. DIAMOND so far is a little shy, but we think it’s only a matter of time.
On the long weekend in May we had planned show in Świerklaniec. National Show of British Breeds, like every year, is on very old and beautiful park, located on the lagoon. For this show we took with us our daughter OLA and three our youngest Pembrokes – DIAMOND, PARADE and JUSTICE.
DIAMOND – while supporting girls in spirit!
PARADE was Best Minor Puppy and got BIS Minor Puppy II.
JUSTICE was Best Puppy and she was awarded BIS Puppy III.
Here are a few photos from the show.
In this year at the National Club of Welsh Corgi and Lancashire Heelera in Mosznej, we took PARADE and JUSTICE. Place of show wonderful, weather great and what more we can ask?
PARADE was Best Minor Puppy and received the title of BIS Minor Puppy I.
JUSTICE – Best Puppy and BIS Puppy II.
DIAMOND was with us socially. He admired his older sisters how they are doing in the ring.
To Opole we drove JUSTICE and PARADE.
JUSTICE, in puppy class won the title of Best Puppy in Breed and in finals BIS Puppy I. Thank you Masha Evteeva for her professional showing.
PARADE, also showed up from her best side. She awarded Best Minor Puppy and in finals BIS Minor Puppy III.
We are very proud of them.
To Czestochowa we took JUSTICE and to her company PARADE.
JUSTICE got Best Puppy in Breed and PARADE envied her the result and the next show in Opole will travel with us to fight for own titles. We’ll see what will be the effects?
International Dog Show in Katowice was extremely successful for us.
JUSTICE – won the title Best Puppy in Breed.
Silesia – the biggest surprise gave us this white girl, beating in her class 4 other girls and won the title CAC and res-CACIB.
After the show we went on a little trip to the Jura Cracow – Czestochowa, below are some photos from this trip.
For the International Dog in Rzeszow we took GIORGIA and JUSTICE.
JUSTICE received the title of Best Minor Puppy in Breed and GIORGIA – CAC and res-CACIB.
We are very proud of them.
At the end of January in our house became a lovely tricolor Hillberry LOVE PARADE. She immediately became friends with JUSTICE. The two girls do everything together – play, eat and sleep. Together they are like two lightning bolts. But we really like it. Thank you for your trust Hanno and beautiful young lady.