First days in new home

Let’s get to know each other: the most important thing is to properly familiarize the puppy with the new home and of course new household members, which include not only people but also other animals. It is obvious that we all want to meet a new member of our family at the same time. This is a big mistake! Let’s try to stop! Let’s spread it out, let’s approach one by one from time to time and only at the end let’s meet our toddler with other animals. Let’s not raise our puppy from the first hours in our home. Let’s give him a few days to adapt. It is important not to make sudden movements, talk calmly, not get excited. Give the puppy the opportunity to decide whether he is ready to come to us or maybe in a moment. The main thing – rush and excitement in the process of getting to know each other is unacceptable.

Toilet: take the puppy outside when you arrive. Try not to talk to him, do not distract him so that he can calmly settle himself. Teach your puppy to the toilet from the very beginning. The breeder has already taken care of it, but your home and surroundings are all news for him. Watch if the puppy has just eaten, woke up or is aroused and is looking for something, then immediately go outside with him.

First night: the best place for a puppy to spend the first night will not be a lair in the living room or a cage, but our bedroom in which the puppy will hear our breathing, even if it is snoring 🙂 Then we will be able to have constant control over what is happening.

Constant supervision, closeness of the guardian, positive attitude are necessary things in the first days of the puppy in new home.

What corgi should eat?

From the beginning: prepare two bowls (we wrote about them earlier in the “Before corgi appears”). One should still have fresh, clean water. The second will be used for feeding and the puppy will only come into contact with her while eating.

Food: at least for the first two weeks, we feed the puppy in accordance with the breeder’s instructions and give the food he has eaten so far. In this way, we will reduce the stress accompanying the puppy at the beginning in a new home. Later, we can start to give other food with which, for example, we have good experiences or good opinions of our friends. Remember to buy only the best quality feeds that will allow our puppy proper growth and development.

Feeding: to eat the prepared portion of food, give the puppy no more than 10 minutes. If he didn’t eat everything, please take the bowl. Remember to feed at fixed times. This will allow the puppy to learn appropriate habits and will be helpful in the toilet learning process.

What should corgi eat? At the beginning, it’s safest to give food that your puppy has eaten so far. To diversify your diet up to 6 months, your puppy may also receive goat’s milk. Later, we can introduce fresh meat, vegetables, rice.

Corgi Spa

This spa will be the finale of our reflection. First of all the basics: from the very beginning we should get used to your pet’s care. This will result, for example, during a visit to the vet where our puppy will calmly stand on the table and allow himself to touch.

As carers, we check the condition of coat and skin, eyes, ears and feet every day. What may bother us: dull fur resulting from inadequate diet, skin changes resulting from allergies, tearful eyes as a result of e.g. dry air in the apartment, too long claws as simply negligence!

Let’s get a brush and comb, nail clippers, shampoo.

As often as possible, comb your dog to remove dead hair but also to have close contact with him. By the way, you will check the skin and coat thoroughly.

Bathing: try to bathe your puppy only when necessary. Remember that bathing too often can cause skin imbalances. First, protect his ears with cotton pads, rinse the entire body of the dog with warm water, use dog shampoo or natural soap, soap thoroughly until foam appears, rinse thoroughly with warm water, do not save, shampoo residue can be the cause of itching. After bathing, thoroughly wipe the dog with a towel and eventually start getting used to the dryer. Remember, if you want to use a dryer, do it gently so as not to frighten the puppy and of course, do not use hot air.

Cleaning ears and trimming claws please leave to the vet or person in the care room. Watch how professionals do it, maybe you will be able to do it yourself after some time 🙂

Either way, you can visit a professional dog spa from time to time. The dog will definitely benefit from it and you may look at something and learn something.

Education is a serious thing

Socialization – does not last long but has a key impact on the dog’s life and behavior in the future. Therefore, it is extremely important that we get used to our puppy from the beginning to: driving a car, traffic, strangers, public transport, other animals, etc. Take your time! Show the world to your dog gradually, watch his behavior. If he doesn’t feel comfortable with something, let it go, try the next day. Until it ends.

Eduacation – after completing 10 weeks you can start getting used to the collar and leash. It is also a good time to introduce the rules in force, e.g. not jumping on the bed, outside toilet, coming to the command.

Dog kindergarten – of course the basics of socialization and education can be arranged for us by a dog kindergarten, but we suggest, however, to take care of it at home, however. Even if it won’t be easy. However, this will cause that an incredible bond will be formed between us (guardians and the dog).

Training – this is the last stage of working with our pet when he is older. To be honest, we recommend carrying out this stage under the supervision of a professional in the field of dog training. It will certainly be safe for the dog’s psyche and allow us to see spectacular effects.

Healthy corgi, sick corgi

We can call the first six months of the dog an explosion of his growth and development. Everything happens so fast that sometimes neglect lasting up to one day can have very unpleasant consequences

First, there is such a thing as body language. Knowing that animals cannot speak and cannot tell us what disturbs them and what hurts them, we must learn to read it from their behavior. Therefore, let’s pay attention to a few basic things: is our dog not puffy, does he feel like having fun, or how much does he drink, does he have an appetite, does he limp, does he scratch, what does his droppings look like, etc. All these things can help let us notice the problem at its early stage, they will be very helpful when visit at the clinic will be necessary.

Let us also remember that there is a breeder whom we should contact first. This is the breeder who, having experience with welsh corgi, can advise us what to do. Then a visit to the clinic will not be needed.

Finally, choose a clinic – find a clinic in your area that also works on days off and preferably if it is open 24 hours a day. Most often at weekends, holidays and at night a vet is needed most. Of course, your friends’ or others people opinions can suggest but so seriously – check it out yourself!